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E911 — emergency calling

E-911, 112 and local emergency services.

In order to remain in compliant with local regulations, emergency calling can be bundled with your SIP trunk where required. We work directly with the local authorities to link your SIP trunk to the emergency dispatch database.

First, your street address is linked to a Caller ID you specify. Our engineering team then works with the local public safety answering point operators to properly register and test your records before production the stage. Phone numbers from any telephone network – not necessarily hosted on DID Logic – can be registered as your Caller ID for emergency dialing purposes.

International location support

DID Logic operates segregated local connections to local emergency response centers in multiple international locations. Each local facility relies on a compliant, registered local interconnection to link directly to the national emergency dialing system.

Your dedicated deployment engineer will assist you with registering your calling

numbers and will work with
the local agency to pre-test your E911/112 setup.

Regulations can vary greatly country by country. In each country where emergency dialing is supported, we deliver a completely localized set of features to enable it.
Supported VoIP emergency calling scenarios
  • 000
  • 111
    New Zealand
  • E911
    USA and Canada
  • 999
  • 112
Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.