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Dialer and short duration
VoIP termination

High-capacity compliant solutions for telemarketing.

DID Logic can deliver your dialer traffic and help your organization remain in compliance with the Do Not Call regulations. We employ proprietary technology to improve ASRs (average setup rates) and reduce the incidence of failed calls that trigger carrier penalties. Our service relies on multiple in-country gateways that act as a segregated platform. We efficiently manage customer dialer traffic while remaining in compliance with the local regulatory acts.

Jurisdictions where we deliver dialer service:

  • United States
    and Canada
  • Australia
    and New Zealand
  • United Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Middle Eastern
    mobile networks

Unique value-added dialer service

Dialer service can be delivered as a standard SIP trunk that easily integrates with any Asterisk or Freeswitch-based PBX. We offer out-of-the-box support for Vicidial and Goautodial, as well as for all third-party external platforms and hosted call center services.
  • Channel capacity

    Easily scales up to 300+ channels same day. Active DID Logic deployments are in service worldwide with thousands of channels. We meet deadlines and can act on short notice.
  • DNC dips and local compliance

    Our system can query the Do Not Call lists and protect your business from subscriber complaints and unintentional, unwanted calling scenarios.
  • Local gateways

    Access the in-country facility to originate calls over the native IP resource. We offer 12+ worldwide PoPs, each with a distinct set of local dialer capabilities.
  • ASR, CPS and ACD monitoring

    Your traffic is watched 24/7 by the NOC personnel who will reach out and advise if your system is not operating correctly or uses invalid lists.
Talk to us: the experts

Carriers have historically assessed surcharges and penalties on short-duration traffic. Calls that do not complete but are still shouldered by the terminating carrier without any revenue create a problem for carriers. Many networks do not allow any dialer traffic at all.

We have the local experience and industry knowledge to deliver the exact solution you need. Speak to our Sales Engineering team to evaluate your specific situation: they will review your requirements and come back with a service deployment plan.

We review the call patterns and build a strategy for your organization to achieve the outcomes your call center needs. Here are some of the industry sectors with which we have years of experience:

  • Political dialers
  • Medical billing
  • Opt-in customer lists
  • Financial and trading
  • Surveys
  • Lead and contacts management
  • Charity and non-profit
  • Outbound sales
Free trial is available for IT infrastructure managers and developers.